

art projects for primary schools

Foam Printing – Printmaking for all ages

An economical way to do printmaking at home or in the classroom. Discover printmaking and the idea of multiple images using a food tray from your kitchen to create beautiful repetition prints, single prints and greeting cards. This exciting project is suitable for a wide audience from young children to adults that would like to learn an easy way to create a design using a food tray from the super market and to print
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social painting signature

Social Painting – Mural Painting for Young Children

Here is a great idea for a project to commence the New Year. Everybody will participate, planning, drawing and painting. It involves a fridge carton, flattened, painted white by parent/volunteers and then painted by the students in the classroom. When the “Mural” is finished it will become a great room divider to create a special corner and later on, if you cut a window on one of the sides, it can be used as a Puppet
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notes on drawing signature image

Notes on Drawing by Raquel Redmond

Drawing is a skill that children can learn. In my experience of many years teaching art to children I came across to only two children that could draw in perfect perspective from observation or from memory, Fergus and James. Most of the children learn how to draw with practice, when they are very young children draw mostly from imagination; they draw their feelings and their ideas in an abstract way. Later on, childr
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The Art of Eric Carle

The Art Of Eric Carle Here is a sample of paper collage, this is a great project to do with young children. I had the opportunity to present this project for the 1998 “Out of the Box, Children’s Festival” in Brisbane, Australia. Cate Fowler, the Director of the 1998 Festival commissioned me to create an activity to offer to young children involving the Art of Eric Carle. It took me months to create
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